Make a Successful Move to a Hybrid Accounting Role
You would like your next accounting job to be hybrid, splitting your time between working in the office and working from home. You may be in the interview stage, but working from home hasn’t yet been mentioned.
Because you worked from home during the pandemic, a hybrid role is at the top of your wish list. You’re not alone. Recent research from The Pew Research Center found that about six in ten workers are now choosing to work from home. However, negotiating a new job can be delicate at the best of times, so how do you negotiate a more flexible working arrangement without damaging your career and jeopardizing the opportunity of a new job in accounting?
Six Steps to Successful Negotiation of a Hybrid Job
When starting the negotiation, remember you are starting from a position of strength. They want you for this position. However, being prepared is the key to success if you want negotiations to go your way. We recommend following these six steps:
1. Make a script and use it
Make note of all the key points you want to discuss at the interview, the outcomes you want to achieve, and your degree of flexibility. Having this list will prevent making knee-jerk reactions and helps keep the discussion under control.
Think about questions or concerns the employer may have about a hybrid working arrangement, and have persuasive positive responses ready. Don’t let emotions cloud your judgment; stick to your script.
2. Know what you want
Before the interview, decide how important is a hybrid work schedule. For example, this may include less pay or accepting a slightly different role. This discussion is one in which you must be prepared, especially if flexible working was not part of the job description.
Begin the discussion with the desired outcome in mind. For instance, you might want to work from home Monday and Friday and in the office Tuesday thru Thursday. From here you can negotiate, depending on what is important to you. Perhaps you agree to work in the office Wednesdays and Fridays, but remote Monday and Tuesday.
3. Highlight the benefits to the employer
If this is a working arrangement the employer had not envisioned for this role, show how hybrid working benefits the business. These may include:
- Saving money on office space and overhead
- Increased productivity through:
- Less distractions
- Improved concentration
- Shorter/less breaks
- Minimal commuting time
- Improves company reputation as an employer
- Better for the environment (less commuting)
4. Don’t make it personal
Although securing a hybrid accounting role is exactly what you want for your own personal reasons – don’t use your needs as a basis for the negotiation. Instead, relate the benefits back to the business.
Instead of negatively talking about rush hour traffic, explain how working remote will allow you more productive time at your desk. Make your case based on effectiveness and not personal convenience.
5. It’s all about productivity
Draw up a list of reasons working from home has increased your productivity. Give quantifiable examples of the improvements in your accomplishments, regular working targets, and KPIs.
This will ease the employer’s mind and let them see you already have the skills required to make the hybrid role a success and how your abilities will benefit the business.
6. Offer a ‘trial period’
Following the steps above will help successfully negotiate a hybrid role. However, if the hiring manager is still reluctant, offer a positive compromise such as a trial period.
Make sure you understand the hiring manager’s concerns regarding how productivity is measured and what the business is looking for to make the job a permanent hybrid role.
Make Negotiation Easy
Whether it’s a remote, hybrid, flexible, or traditional working role you are seeking, let us help you find your next accounting job. Tell us about your career goals, and we will help aspirations become a reality.
At 6 Degrees Group, we have a wide-range of fantastic accounting job opportunities and an excellent reputation for matching candidates to their ideal job – and we’ll be happy to help you negotiate the very best offer. Take your first step to the hybrid job offer you desire: submit your resume to 6 Degrees Group.